free web traffic

With a lot of your potential audience already on YouTube, it makes sense to target them with ads.

An example of a YouTube ad

An example of a YouTube ad

To get the most from YouTube Ads, you need to:

Target your audience.

Choose the right ad format.

Create engaging ads.

Check out this guide to YouTube advertising by HubSpot for more information.


Did you know that each pin on Pinterest can generate 2-page visits and 6 pageviews?

Pinterest is a great platform for sending traffic to your blog.

Not only are pins for great longevity (pins get shares over time) bu Pinterest was actively designed for sharing

Let’s explore it in more detail:

68. Drive Traffic with These Pinterest Marketing Tips

Here are some tactics you can use to harness Pinterest traffic:

Sign up for a business account (and get access to Pinterest Analytics).

Make sure each pin description is detailed, helpful, and actionable.

Pin at the right time.

Create pin-worthy images (that are the right size & include text).

Join relevant Pinterest group boards.

69. Use Pinterest Ads

Pinterest ads are useful for getting your content in front of more people as they search and browse Pinterest.

An example of Pinterest ads

An example of Pinterest ads

To get started:

Set up a Pinterest business account.

Install the Pinterest Tag.

Choose a goal for your campaign.

Set a campaign budget.

Create an ad group.

Select your target audience.

Choose ad placement.

Add interests + keywords.

Set budget + schedule.

Pick your Promoted Pins.

And like all paid ad campaigns: monitor and tweak free web traffic accordingly. For even more information, check out this Pinterest Ads guide by Hootsuite.


With over 600 million users, LinkedIn is the go-to social network for B2B.

LinkedIn is the place people go to when they want to connect with people in their industry, learn about their industry and share related content. If you want to drive traffic to your B2B blog or website, this is your platform.

social traffic is driven by LinkedIn to B2B sites

90% of social traffic is driven by LinkedIn to B2B sites (Image source:

70. Drive Traffic with These LinkedIn Marketing Tips

LinkedIn can be a great traffic source if you use it right.

Here are the essentials you need to start driving traffic from LinkedIn today:

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